You have heard us talking about NOLA Motorsports for 2 years now, and there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.  NOLA Motorsports Park is a motorsports utopia currently under construction just 20 minutes from downtown in Avondale, LA.
The facility will offer two full road courses (when combined make the longest road course in North America), kart facitily, autocross pad, high performance driving & riding schools, track days, kart rentals, driver education courses, spectator events, hot laps and much more. NOLA will rival any motorsports complex in North America.
Map of NOLA Motorsports Park
TTRNO has been working with NOLA for the last two years to help create and grow the two-wheel track culture on the Gulf Coast. Â Our 1000 sq ft at NOLA will provide trackside maintance, gear rentals, and track bike storage. Â Last weekend we had to opportunity to play on the kart track during a preview event for members of NOLA. Â In addition to dogfighting karts, we also had a chance to test a Ducati 848 and Vespa GT200 on a section of the kart track.
TTRNO’s Garage at NOLA Motorsports Park
Stay tuned to for upcoming events at NOLA!
Max Materne enjoying the Karts @ NOLA
Enjoy the photos of the facility and the video (link below)Â from of the track record set earlier this year on the North Track.
Zach’s record setting lap on the dirt.
The kart track is a little to tight for this 848!
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